"This is a measured, erudite work with all the hallmarks of a seasoned scholar drawing upon a lifetime of research and writing." —Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
~Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
"This noteworthy addition to the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries is destined to join the elite of scholarly commentaries on I Corinthians. It provides thorough analysis and well-researched, careful examination of virtually all issues. The entire work reflects the author's wide-ranging knowledge of classical, biblical, extrabiblical, and scholarly literature." —Roger Mohrlang, Theology Today
~Roger Mohrlang, Theology Today
"This commentary will take its place as perhaps one of the best historical and literary works on 1 Corinthians and a worthy companion to the Anchor Bible commentary on 2 Corinthians."—Wendell Willis, Restoration Quarterly
~Wendell Willis, Restoration Quarterly