'For the future, trips out in Cambridge will be enhanced by Simon Bradley’s revision of the Pevsner Guide to Cambridgeshire. It was much in need of updating and Bradley manages it expertly, without destroying the sparky style of the original.'—Mary Beard, The Guardian
~Mary Beard, The Guardian
'Simon Bradley has done a marvellous job in checking out the bits of the county that the great man missed, and leavening some of his prejudices, without losing the wit or the style. Don’t go to Cambridge without it.’—Mary Beard, TLS
~Mary Beard, TLS
‘Pevsner’s original edition was published in 1954; this new edition is by Simon Bradley, who has carried out the brilliant revisions of Pevsner’s London volumes and several others. Bradley has both an all-seeing eye for buildings great and small and a gift for deft, concise writing and characterisation.’—Marcus Binney, The Times.
~Marcus Binney, The Times
‘In Simon Bradley’s confident and scholarly revision, Pevsner is present and absent in just the right proportion: exactly what he would of have wanted.’—Ruth Scurr, TLS.
~Ruth Scurr, TLS