Alfred H. Barr Jr. Honorable Mention for Distinguished Catalogue in the History of Art
“. . . the catalogue is a treat, with authoritative, elegant essays complementing the sumptuously illustrated artefacts.”
~Times Literary Supplement
"One of the most impressive exhibition catalogues this reviewer has seen in quite a while, the present volume (and by all accounts the superb exhibition it accompanies) is one of the best treatments of its ambitious subject.”
~Ancient Egypt Magazine
“All in all, this is an excellent exhibition catalogue, well designed, well written, and well-illustrated . . . the volume as a whole is a very welcome addition to the ever-growing number of publications which examine the phenomenon of cultural interaction in the ancient Mediterranean World.”
~The Art Newspaper
“In sum, the catalogue is a rich trove of material, presented in a way that will engage all manner of readers, from the specialist to students to those with merely a passing interest in the place and people of Egypt in the Classical period. I heartily recommend it to any university or community library.”
~New England Classical Journal
“The lavishly illustrated colour catalogue to which more than 50 scholars have contributed informative essays and which is accompanied by an extensive bibliography makes this an excellent introduction to the theme of intercultural contacts and their extent during this time period.”
~Bryn Mawr Classical Review
“This large-format and more-than-sumptuously illustrated book is without doubt a magnificent contribution to our understanding of the nature and extent of mutual interactions between the ancient civilizations that surrounded the Mediterranean sea: old Egypt, and classical Greece and Rome. Numerous short and longer contributions by renowned specialists cover almost every essential aspect, evince a range of approaches and conclusions, and make use of a wide spectrum of evidence: archaeological, literary, epigraphic, and art-historical. This is a readable, handsome book which will satisfy any scholar, and certainly all general readers and students.”
~Archiv Orientální
“As thoroughly enjoyable as it is thoughtful and informative. . . . Beyond the Nile is highly recommended as it has something for everyone: from Bronze Age material to late Roman; from epigraphy to painting; from sculpture to coins; from portraits to pottery.”
~Classical Journal
“A welcome and holistic approach to heritage. . . . Very much worth reading.”
~Graham Voce, News in Conservation
“The scale of this particular project is unprecedented, not least in the United States: arranged into four chronologically organized sections, the book’s sixteen essays explore some 2,500 years of history, stretching from the Bronze Age into the late Roman Empire; in total, some fifty-two scholars have contributed either essays or catalogue entries. Particularly impressive is the quality of the colour illustrations, including all 191 of the show’s exhibits (not just statues, reliefs, and pottery, but also papyri, gems, coins, jewellery, and wall paintings).”
~Michael Squire, Art and Archaeology
“Excellent productions standards, as one expects.”
~Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, Ancient West & East