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Also Appearing

Jeremy Mynott at the Linnean Society

30th January: The Story of Nature
Jeremy Mynott, author of The Story of Nature, traces the story of nature – past, present and future. He looks at the different ways humankind has understood and responded to it over the centuries, from earliest times through to present day concerns about the environment, biodiversity and the twin nature and climate crises.

Nick Thorpe at Toppings St. Andrews

19th February: Walking Europe's Last Wilderness
Join award-winning journalist and broadcaster Nick Thorpe, author of Walking Europe's Last Wilderness on an evocative voyage through the Carpathian mountain range and its threatened landscape, peoples, and history.

Brycchan Carey at the Linnean Society

20th February: The Unnatural Trade
In this talk, Brycchan Carey, author of The Unnatural Trade, shows that before the mid-eighteenth century, natural histories by naturalists such as Richard Ligon, Hans Sloane, and Griffith Hughes were a primary source of information about slavery for British and colonial readers. They were often ambivalent toward slavery, but they increasingly adopted a proslavery stance to accommodate the needs of colonists by representing slavery as a "natural" phenomenon.

Ryan Hanley at Bookhaus Bristol

25th February: Robert Wedderburn
Ryan Hanley will be in conversation at bookhaus on first full-length biography of Robert Wedderburn - a man increasingly recognized as central to Black radical political thought in the Revolutionary Atlantic. Tapping newly rediscovered sources, Hanley details Wedderburn’s extraordinary public and private life, explores the central influence of enslaved women on his political ideas, and offers fresh analysis of his contributions to British political thought and activism.